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Avoiding common communication mistakes during your divorce

On Behalf of | Nov 16, 2022 | Divorce |

Going through a divorce is often difficult for Florida couples, and one of the things that often makes it difficult is one or more mistakes in communication.

Avoiding communication itself

It’s normal for couples going through a divorce to want to avoid communication, especially if they’re feeling negative emotions like anger or sadness. However, avoiding communication can actually make the divorce process more difficult. If you and your spouse can’t communicate with each other, it’ll be harder to work out the details of your divorce, and you may even end up in court.

Using children as messengers

Even if it’s tempting because you don’t want to talk to your spouse, using your children as messengers can be confusing and upsetting for them, and it can also put them in the middle of your divorce. On top of that, it’s just not an effective way to communicate. If you need to talk to your spouse about something, talk to them directly.

Bringing up the past

During a divorce, it’s important to focus on the present and the future, not the past. Constantly bringing up what happened in the past will only make the divorce process more difficult. If you’re having trouble moving on, it might be helpful to talk to a therapist.

Refusing to compromise

Compromise is essential in any relationship, and that includes during a divorce. If you’re unwilling to compromise, it’ll be harder to work out the details of your divorce. On top of that, it’ll just make the process more difficult for both of you.

Yelling or name-calling

Not only is this type of behavior immature, but it also prevents effective communication, which makes the divorce process more difficult. If you need to calm down before communicating with your spouse, take a few minutes to yourself before you talk to them.

It may seem daunting at first, but avoiding these communication mistakes during your divorce will make the process a lot easier for both you and your spouse. Always remember that if you need help communicating with your spouse, it may be helpful to talk to a professional such as a therapist or mediator.