Although it happens, rarely does a married couple realize simultaneously that they must divorce. Most often, one spouse will realize that a divorce in Sarasota, Florida is necessary, while the other will do everything required to preserve the marriage. What happens if your spouse doesn’t want a divorce?
Why some spouses resist divorce
Sometimes spouses will do everything they can to resist divorce. You’ll find myriad reasons for resistance, including fear, shame or even a power struggle. Sometimes a spouse resisting divorce will do everything they can, including threatening or controlling various actions. While some actions border on violence, others will assume a passive stance by becoming extremely passive and loving during the legal process in hopes that you will change your mind. Once it becomes clear that the divorce will likely proceed, these individuals can suddenly turn and become aggressive to stop the proceedings.
The key to a peaceful divorce is to go into the process with compassion and kindness, which is even more important if your spouse doesn’t want the split. Allow your spouse to try to work toward repairing the relationship, but when the time comes to state that the marriage is irreparable, be firm in your decision. Most spouses eventually come to the idea that a divorce must happen.
Divorce doesn’t have to be contentious
Although divorce is fraught with much emotion, it doesn’t have to be contentious. Doing what you can to make the process easier will make the outcome easier for you and your former spouse. Negotiations like collaborative divorce can allow you to reach settlements outside of court. If both sides can set aside hurt and anger, this process may be for you.
Consider collaborative divorce if you are mutually aware of issues that require resolution, like property division and child custody but believe that common ground is possible with the proper guidance. Collaborative divorce requires working in good faith with your former spouse and your respective legal counsels to reach an acceptable decision. If your spouse comes around to accepting divorce, this route is possible.