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What to do if your spouse tells you they want a divorce

On Behalf of | Aug 28, 2024 | Divorce |

Hearing your husband or wife tell you they want a divorce can be one of the most shocking and hurtful moments in life, especially if it is unexpected or if you do not want a divorce. However, given that they have a right to do this, you should know what to do if this happens.

Remain calm and receptive

While your initial response might be to react in anger, processing your emotions in healthy ways without taking it out on your spouse or anyone else is much better for you and more constructive and conducive to a civilized conversation about what is happening.

Perhaps they said they wanted a divorce in a moment of anger, or maybe they genuinely meant it. Either way, you will want to keep your emotions in check and find healthy ways to process those complicated feelings.

Reflect on your own feelings

If your spouse tells you they want a divorce, chances are something has gone wrong in the relationship. Take the time to reflect on what that is and whether you are happy being married to this person.

Many people do not realize how unhappy they are until the other spouse files for divorce, so be patient with yourself and allow yourself to feel your true feelings.

Seek professional guidance

Speaking with an experienced divorce attorney who handles cases like yours is absolutely imperative at this point because your spouse can file at any time, and the court will expect you to respond to your spouse’s filing.

This means that when your spouse begins the process, you are automatically thrown into legal proceedings whether you are ready or not, and it is much better to be prepared. Having the right attorney can change the outcome of your divorce and protect your interests.

Learning that your spouse wants a divorce, especially if you did not have a clue that this is where your marriage was headed, can be one of the most challenging situations you can be in.

Knowing what to do and seeking counsel is something you should do as soon as possible so you can be prepared to face what comes your way next.